The jurisdiction of His Excellency Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI in Russia
The jurisdiction of His Excellency Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI in Russia
Signed in as:
"Georgia - a former republic of the USSR and independent state in the Caucasus - is an ancient Christian land where St. Nina, the great saint of the 4th century, was the founder of the faith.
For the first time since the disaster of the Second Vatican Council, there was a Holy Mass in the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi. These days, a new member has joined the Catholic Church.
Otari had been baptized in the Georgian Orthodox (Eastern-Schismatic) Church as a child, but never had any religious practice.
In the presence of an official witness, in front of the Altar, and with Fr. A. Kryssov present, Otari read the Catholic Professio Fidei. He was then received into the Catholic Church and afterwards received the First Communion.
Deo gratias!!!
1. Otari with Fr. A.Kryssov near the Altar.
2.Everything is ready for the Holy Mass in Tbilisi.
The ceremony was held according to the traditional Roman Ritual at our Oratory of St. Pius V in Moscow.
In the presence of an official witness, in front of the Altar and with the Prior of our Oratory, Father A. Kryssov present, Dmitry read the Catholic Professio Fidei.
He was then received into the Catholic Church and afterwards received the First Communion.
Dmitry Korshunov had been baptized in the Russian Orthodox (Eastern-Schismatic) Church as a child, but never had any religious practice.
Deo gratias!!!
1. Dmitry reads the Catholic Professio Fidei in front of the Altar and the Prior of our Oratory Fr. A. Kryssov.
2. Dmitry is ready to receive the First Communion.
3. Dmitry with Fr. Kryssov, the altar server and the official witness.
On Maundry Thursday, April 6, 2023 Ivan S. Morozov became a Catholic. He was baptized in the Russian Orthodox (Eastern-Schismatic) Church as a child. On Maundry Thursday, he read the Catholic Professio Fidei in front of the Altar and the Prior of the Oratory, Father A. Kryssov, in the presence of an official witness. Then he was received into the Catholic Church. The ceremony was held according to the traditional Roman Ritual. Deo gratias!!!
In this day Fr. Kryssov said Holy Mass at the Guest House in the Vanagas property near Moscow (Burtsevo) for Povilas - his frend, godson of confirmation and a Mass server occasionaly.
After the Mass Povilas and his wife Margarita invited Father for jubelee diner at his house.
Father enjoed the good wine - the gift for Povilas and Margarita from Russian President Putin' press-secretary and his wife.
In the 750 anniversary of the last Crusade of St. Louis Fr. Kryssov said the unique traditional Catholic Requiem Mass for Companions of the King and after the Mass, together with his flock, prayed the Litany to our Saint Patron.
A large and well-organized fleet under the leadership of St. Louis IX started from french Aigues-Mortes on July 2nd 1270.
Exactly 750 years ago, on July 17th, after a short rest in Cagliari (Sardinia) the Crusaders landed on the islamic territory - Tunisian coast.
They established a camp near Carthage and had stay in extremely difficult conditions: hostility of enemies, different sickness ant very hot African summer.
Louis' son John Tristan died on August 3d, St. Louis himself felt sick and died on August 25th.
Fr. Kryssov said the Requiem Mass for Henry Urbanowicz in his Feast Day (St. Henry) - the permanent sacristan of our St. Louis church since 1940s until modernist captured the building in 1990s.
Being a right-hand man for our priests during heroic time of Stalin's and post-Stalin's communist regime, he especially helped Fr. Stanislaus Mazeika, the pastor of our church in 1967-90.
Mr. Urbanowicz taught destined Fr. Kryssov how to serve at the Traditional Catholic Mass after his entering to the St. Louis church as a young faithful.
In 1990s, when Fr. Stanislaus was kicked out by the modernists to say Holy Mass in his private chapel, Mr. Urbanovicz and A. Kryssov kept on helping the Father.
Mr. Urbanowicz died in October 2004 and right a day before his death he received all the last sacraments from true and traditional catholic priest (Fr. E. Rissling).
Henry will stay in our memory as a living example of a true and devoted Catholic.
Fr. Stanislovas, OFM Cap., received his religious name as a capuchin monk. He made perpetual vows in 1941 and was ordained a priest in Kaunas in 1944.
Very soon he became famous as a preacher not only in the parish where he was appointed, but throughout all Lithuania,
For urging his flock to persist Catholic faith despite the Soviet atheistic influence, Fr. Stanislovas was arrested in 1948 and sentenced to 10 years in coal mines in GULAG concentration camp in of the coldest place of Russia beyond the Polar Circle.
After he was released fom the jail in 1957, during 30 years Fr. Stanislovas was under permanent surveillance of the local KGB and was isolated in a tiny secluded parish of the Middle Lithuania (Paberžė). But due to the preacher, in a short time this place had become popular among hundreds of faithfuls from all over Lithuania.
Even in his last 86 year, despite a pressure from modernists and suffering of a strong illness, pastor couldn't let himself to stay in a hospital, but every weekend went to his church and celebrated dozens of weddings and baptisms and said traditional Holy Masses!
R.I.P. Father Stanislovas!
(On the picture: Fr. Stanislovas incense the altar in Paberžė. A frame from documentary "Tėvas Stanislovas. Stotis tyloje." 1997.)
Fr. Stanislovas was and remains for Fr. Kryssov and our parish an example of a traditional Catholic priest who conducted pastoral care in the former USSR despite all the obstacles, first from communist and after from modernist authorities.
For a long time Fr. Kryssov had regularly visited Fr. Stanislovas in Paberžė to receive the spiritual formation in the Catholic Faith.
After Fr. Stanisovas deaf and since Fr. Kryssov priest ordination in 2008 he says Annual Requiem Mass for his Confessor.
Fr. Kryssov said Monthly Mass for the Benefactors in Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross Day with commemoration of St. Alexander I, the Pope and the father's Saint Patron.
After the Holy Mass Fr. Kryssov had received a lot of greetings from his parishioners and invited a few of them to take part to a modest feast dinner.
Fr. Kryssov said the Requiem Mass for Lithuanians who dead in South Siberia exile.
It's, apparently, a first Holy Mass since 1930s in the area.
Fr. Kryssov had very graceful visit to Barnaul cemetery, where he blessed graves of the Catholics died in exile during Stalin's time.
Catholic Mission in Russia and former USSR
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